A caring, inclusive community, loving God and neighbour

248 Highland Rd E I Sundays at 10 a.m.

Office Hours


Currently the office is operating with modified hours.  Please call and leave a message at the church or send an email to the church office if you wish to reach us. It is checked frequently. If you wish to drop off a donation there are lock boxes located at both the front and parking lot entrances of the church.

We are happy that you have taken a moment to look at our website. It will tell you a little bit about who we are, and we would like to invite you to come join us to find out more. There are things going on here all through the week with an active community that looks and listens for God’s voice to direct us in ministry through worship, learning, social ministries and service.
We gather regularly for worship to be nurtured by Word and Sacrament and to prepare ourselves for our work in the world. We are a diverse group of individuals, who come from different backgrounds and experiences with varying gifts, talents and skills to share. You would be most welcome here; there’s always room for more!
Come, for a visit anytime. Let’s explore the meaning and truth of a community in Christ.

God’s peace and blessings to you in your faith journey!

A Message from Our Pastor


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We gather every Sunday at 10am

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A wedding is a promise made between two persons before God, family, and friends. A church wedding means that you will go through life together with God’s blessing.

You do not have to be a member of our church to hold your wedding in our sanctuary. Pastor Richard can perform your ceremony after meeting you to get to know you better.

REQUEST TO BOOK the sanctuary or contact Pastor Richard to arrange a meeting by email or by calling (519) 744-2521.


Are you interested in baptism at St. Stephen’s?

Baptism is one of two sacraments recognized by the Lutheran Church.  By naming it a sacrament, we recognize and confess God’s physical presence in the elements of baptism: water and word.

We practise infant baptism, acknowledging that this is fulfilling the parental duty to care for our children spiritually in the same manner that we take care of physical needs such as food, clothing and housing and the emotional needs to provide love and care. 

Beginning a life of faith is a big deal and a big job and so the church participates in making promises to support your child and entire family on your faith journey.

Through the waters of baptism, we are joined into one holy family through the love of God for us all.

Baptisms normally take place in the church sanctuary. There is no charge for a baptism at our church. This is part of our ongoing ministry to our members, their families, and to our community.

Make an appointment with the pastor if you would like to have your child baptized. It is always a joyous and blessed day when a child is baptized.

Adult baptism is also available with prior instruction upon consultation with the pastor.

To arrange an appointment for baptism, contact us by email or by calling (519) 744-2521.

Affirmation or Confirmation

Confirmation is a public affirmation of faith and an acknowledgement of your baptism.

St. Stephen’s offers confirmation classes which include discussion and learning from the Bible, the teachings of Martin Luther and the Confessions.  It will also include frank and open discussions about what our tradition says about current issues.

At the conclusion of the course, you will participate in an Affirmation of Baptism or Confirmation service – often held on Pentecost Sunday, the 50th day after Easter, which marks the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ.

Not baptized yet? You do not have to be baptized to attend the course. The Pastor will help to guide you through your faith journey.

For more information contact the church office, Pastor Richard by email or by calling (519) 744-2521.


At a person’s death, the church shares the grief of those who mourn and remembers the brevity of life on earth. At the funeral we give voice to sorrow, thank God for our loved one, and entrust this companion of ours into the hands of God. Trusting in God’s promise in baptism that we are claimed by Christ forever, we rest in the sure home of the resurrection When the church gathers to mark the end of life, Christ crucified and risen is the witness of worship, the strength of mutual consolation, and the hope of healing.” (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, p. 279)

If a death is anticipated, please contact the church office to arrange for a pastoral visit with prayers and commendation of the dying.

When death occurs, please contact Pastor Richard by email or at (519) 744-2521.

Preparations for a funeral or memorial service will be made in consultation with family members, a funeral home, our church musician, and pastor.

Having difficulties?

When the challenges of life become overwhelming, the church can be a lifeline, offering caring conversation, prayer, and support in times of need. Please reach out to us via email or by phone at (519) 744-2521 for confidential personal, or family support. We are also happy to provide referrals to Christian and non-Christian professional counsellors.

If you would like a personal visit, please let the church office know by email or at (519) 744-2521. They can set up a visit with our pastor.

Prayer Requests

Thank you for your prayer request; we will keep you or your loved one in our prayers. Individuals will remain on the prayer list for one month after the date of submission.

It is our practice to not add anyone to a printed prayer list or offer full names in our worship service without express permission. Please complete the form below to make the request. If the form is not being filled out by the individual for whom we will pray, please indicate on the form that you have received permission from them.

I am granting/have received express permission

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